Automatic Rising Bollards

Automatic rising bollards provide one of the most effective and rapid methods of hostile vehicle mitigation, preventing unwanted traffic and illegal access. Sleek and aesthetic design, rising bollards also form a discreet part of any building or street furniture.

With a range of impact ratings, up to PAS68 crash rated, they are the perfect security measure for sensitive sites such as car dealerships, airports, shopping centres and government buildings. With a rabge of budget bollards, they can also be used in residential areas on private parking bays to stop unwelcome parking on private property.

We start by finding out what the bollard is going to be used for, then we advise you on your options from our vast range, from small cost-effective units, right up to anti-terrorist bollards. Options include retractable or removable bollards, anti-ram bollards, rising bollards, manually-operated or automated.

Automatic bollards provide one of the most effective methods of stopping unwanted traffic and illegal access.

Safety is always at the heart of every system we install and bollards typically have at least 3 levels of 'fail-safe' obstacle detection, or user warning fitted as standard. This ensures compatibility to the latest EN standards and allows our installations to work safely for all levels of user.

If you need help on which product to choose, advice on the best solution or would like to arrange a survey with one of project managers, please don't hesitate to call us on 01622 534000 or contact us.

Contact our dedicated team to discuss your requirements
