Bronze Healthy Workplace Award For Solar Gates UK

January 2022

Solar Gates UK are delighted to announce that Kent County Council have awarded them a bronze Healthy Workplace Award.

The Healthy Workplace programme helps businesses become healthier places to work. Having healthy staff and a healthy workplace can help reduce sickness and increase productivity as staff will be well enough to work effectively. Evidence shows that for every £1 spent on healthy workplace initiatives, businesses benefit from between £2 and £32 in reduced sickness, turnover and improved productivity.

Encouraging staff to make small changes and have a healthier lifestyle is yet another initiative that Solar Gates UK, support to nurture a physically and mentally healthy workplace. The benefits of a healthy workplace are:

Neil Sampson Managing Director of Solar Gates UK says “The health and wellbeing of staff is a top priority here at Solar Gates UK, our staff are our biggest asset and I for one want them to live happy and fulfilled lives. This award helps us to show how our practices are helping our staff with their health and wellbeing. I am looking forward to continuing to work with Kent and Medway Councils to gain our Silver and Gold Award later in the year”